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B is for SHE and HER (part of the text project)

while we wait for a proper reception i invite you to a piece of static called "Between SHE and HER"

Between SHE and HER

Saturday night I got home after a night of poetry some time round 11:30 pm.
Ate something. Drank something. Took a bath. Went to sleep round 12:30 am.
Maybe closer to one.

And I thought, “how nice it would’ve been to crash by a friend nearby” instead of trying to fish for two sets of public transportation to take me home. My mind wandered. SHE was there at the wandering.

1 Somehow we would meet in Curepe (Curepe being the central point that connects me to home – which is at the south of the island - and the Poetry event which was at the North East of the island). SHE’d come home with me and I’d be fine.

2 The other more practical option was this – I would crash at her house for the night since she lives in the North East and not too far from the Poetry event. I reasoned that I had not an extra set of clothes with me and if I was to go back to church in a few hours – Sunday service – I’d be wearing the same clothes. Funky and sweat ridden clothes. But it wouldn’t have been a problem. SHE would’ve let me spend the night there. And I’d be fine.

Sunday morning. Buddha’s birthday. I call my mom Buddha so…
We went to church. Mom’s a greeter. I am a sleeper.
I saw HER. And I thought how unfair it was. he gets to lie on HER lap and have HER play in his hair. He gets to sleep there. He gets to feel what God is as a god-ish soothes him.

He gets to be rescued.
I hate him. More.

And I look at my phone and I think I should pick it up. I should text either SHE and say – “can we meet? to talk?” or HER and say – “I hope he knows you’re a god…ish” Instead I did neither. Instead I turned off my TV turned on my laptop and started to write. Because the text… costs too much.

stay tuned. we're trying to fix the signal....


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