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B is for CeCe Winans

thought for the day by CeCe Winans. perhaps one of the best songs i ever heard. these lyrics.... hit me so hard every time. because i live there.... pax.

When the darkness filled the urgent sky
and the tears welled up in the corners of my eyes
and the sun would shine for the pourin' rain
Wondered if I'd ever see daylight again

When the stars protest at the moon's refrain
and I told myself I'd surely go insane
and the earth kept turnin' at an alarmin' pace
and I couldn't talk my heart out of joinin' the race

I remember a time I couldn't close my eyes
I would lie awake dispairin'
don't know how many nights
Afraid of death that my chest would give way to the fear
Pulled the covers over my head and I cupped my ears

In attempt to escape the deafening sounds of silence
In attempt to escape these constant visions of violence
and with death as close as it could possibly get
heard a voice in the distance sayin' CeCe not yet
Then suddenly the darkness gave away to the light
and I threw off the covers as I closed my eyes
just in time to feel your spirit grip my body like a glove
and I knew in that moment that it was your...
that it was your everlasting, lasting love
I said it was your everlasting love

Yesterday, and today, forever more it will remain
Even now its still the same
cause my love will never change

Know that the peace that comes from above
is that same everlasting love...


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