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B is for Re-Creation

if i created you, i'd have made you some kind of warrior.
i'd have pit you against a tribe of men and you'd have won.

if i created you, i'd have taken that tongue of yours and blessed it with prophecy.
the words you speak would bring clarity to mind... and mine.

that plait of yours? i'd have grown it all to your feet 
but you'd have wrapped it round your waist like a weapon.

i'd extend your smile. the demons would think you weak for it.... 
and they would have died because of it.... 

i'd have fashioned you more clothes like the one you wear.
shredded. torn. a badge of honour from that time you battles the Tigre Witch... and won.
claws clipped. kitty domesticated. 

if i created you, i'd have given you ink.
ink all over your arm to write the names of the fallen
to remind you of who you protect... and why.

if i created you, you wouldn't have known what death was.
tales of your immortality would be legendary.
your name would be etched on mountains
and hearts.

ode to some random girl i saw in a food line.... the humans would have called her a "baddis".... i saw different.
tracy j h
October. 2013


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