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Showing posts from June, 2009

B is for Silence

i stay silent. as a means to return to the realm of myth... i stay silent. hidden from view, hidden from you hidden from all things that connect to us-ward because that would cause me to daydream like a girl in summer sucking a lolly in the sun and she was five and free and innocent. but innocence is not with me - sadly it's on vacation went away last year - right about the time i let go of some fears and embraced new ones these fears... smelled good. spoke well and well... boys without brain fall into pain much pain and boys with brain let it fly away just to grasp a cloud no grasping allowed. no more touching. no more lusting. don't touch. let's be friends the end anyways, i stay silent because i need to because i should absolve myself from YOU speak the truth... shame the devil of course he's not alone is he? half baked rain clouds say he's fighting with his lady... at least he has one crap! ramblings. this is what happens in silen...

B is for Hypocrite

am i the bad man? i wonder.

B is for Confessions

In the quiet of the Church... Priest: How long since your last confession? Hero: I've... never had one. Priest: You are not Catholic? Hero: No. I'm not Priest: That's ok. Nobody's perfect chuckle, chuckle between the grate. Priest: Why are you here? Hero: To be honest, I'm not 100% sure. pause. Priest: Let me tell you why you are here. anonymity. No one knows you, so no one can judge you. You come here to speak your true mind and not what you think you should say. pause. Hero: Yes. Priest: Then speak. Speak my son. Hero: I... Priest: Speak your true mind... pause Hero: Forgive me Father, for I am stupid [ what came before ]