yesterday, i went up on TED's website ( ) because... I ... Love TED. secretly, I dream of the day when I will become so blindingly brilliant that I too will be able to share a stage with such personal greats like - Geller, Tan (Amy), Abrams (J.J.), Maeda among others... and Rives. and I will get there with my soon-to-be-released Doodle Project. Anyways... HERE I AM on TED and i say "why don't i just join TED?" and I click it see and there I realised something very important... i am incredibly dumb... quite . i didn't even have a blog. well i have a group on facebook (the catharsis experiment) but still... and then they asked me if i was a copywriter/columnist, copywriter/blogger or just... 'copywriter'. i never felt so pathetic in all my life. well there was this one time - but pink elephants on tricycles don't really count. Thus, I came to a decision I WILL HAVE A PURPOSE DAMMIT! I'LL HAVE A BLOG! because Being a Blogger means I can b...