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B is for Lemonade Stand Blog Award

last week i was awarded the lemonade stand blog award by a friend of mine who is super cool. and since no good deed goes unpunished :-)> HERE NOW are my winners of the lemonade stand blog award...

  1. Artzpub Blog - the blog spin off of Draconian Switch
  2. Freepaper - the blog of the one rodell warner, he's a [fantastic!] photographer, graphic artistand all round good guy. this is one of those people i expect to see on TED someday
  3. Another such future TEDster is Marlon D'arbeau. See him here. artist, furniture designer, and intellectual. he actually had a showing at BECA studios in New Orleans earlier this yr... or last yr... time has no meaning for me.
  4. Dallas is my hero. see why
  5. Alice Yard is the home of the Creative Underground of the Caribbean. it is a very groovy living space where artists/artistes and anybody can come and be inspired. go see.
  6. Lilu is the WATCHTOWER. i think she totally reminds me of Chloe Sullivan [yes... i love smallville!]. She has this interesting and altogether super cool perception on things that i think you'll n joy.
  7. James Hackett is one of those Art Lords i've heard of for... ever. but i never actually got to meet him. then they invented Facebook [yay!]... PLUS! he was one the artists recruited for a Draconian Switch issue. real vibes. go look
  8. BRIANNA McCARTHY IS.... and thus you will be refreshed.
  9. Patricia Grannum "is a blogger, freelance journalist and jewelry designer based in Trinidad and Tobago" and she has a really wondrous thought process
  10. Indra Ramcharan is a blogger, writer, advertising junkie, sound engineer and a girl. you must watch for her.
  11. Apltly described as MTV meets BBC under a Coconut Tree, INDIgroove tv wins and is worthy of a nomination. go watch the interviews with some of the Caribbean's leading minds.
To nominate your own humans and their blogs follow these rules - as told to me. pax.
  • Put the logo on your blog or post.
  • Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
  • Link to your nominees within your post.
  • Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
  • Nominate your favorites, and link to this post.


  1. Awww, thank you so much, love! You're the best. I totally want to lick your face right now ;-)

  2. ok face licking aside...thanx zod...amd i reserve my kneeling before...for other people.

  3. Watchtower- face licking access... granted! B-)

    Richard - geed richard...

  4. Hey thanks for the nod man, some good blogs for me to book mark here too


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