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B is for Finding Knowledge

Flipping amazing!

Last night (well I’m actually writing this Sunday night but for the sake of posting purposes…. Anyways), I found my books!
As I browsed through the pages I felt so high and so wondrously, deliriously happy. I suspect that’s how people in love feel. Hopefully all the time.

Hidden in boxes under my bed; covered over with sheets of dust, was knowledge! Glorious knowledge. Philosophy kind of knowledge. I found:

Notes from the underground – [which I had all but presumed dead]
Four out of six of my Narnia series – [from “A horse and his boy” to “The final battle”]
Jonathan Livingstone Seagull – [oh… wow! best birthday gift ever! After Kahlil]
Roll Call – [Paul Keens Douglas is a beautiful storyteller]
A time to kill – [John Grisham… wondrous!]
Love and Longing in Bombay – [Vikram Chandra – never read him but ok, wow]
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH – [I have a vague idea where that came from but…]

I found some other books and some papers – [like my first couple ads, and the short story that helped GET ME INTO ADVERTISING in the first place] but I got to tell you OH MY GASTRIC JUICES! I FOUND BOOKS! My library has gotten bigger.



  1. Gibran's The Prophet is a gift to humanity...I got goosebumps and "I felt so high and so wondrously, deliriously happy. I suspect that’s how people in love feel. Hopefully all the time." feeling the first time I read it.

    Other highs were The Old Man and the Sea - Ernest Hemingway, My Nine Lives - Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, Salinger's Catcher in the Rye, Pasternak's Poetry of Dr. Zhivago, Jean Binta Breeze's poetry...Insanity. I love it.

    I got a hardcover copy of Walcott's Omeros for $5.00 (paperbacks of Of Mice and Men and Farewell to Arms as well) at a flea market in Arima whilst with Dave and Rodell -- they got some cool stuff too.

    I have The Memory Keeper's Daughter...if can't get past the third chapter -- want to borrow it? I'm wasting it's goodness by not reading it.

  2. aye! flee market books is the best too! people never know [i believe] the treasures they so easily pelt 'way for $1.00 or $5. soooo love books.



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