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B is for Theist Week

Episode One - Knowing God

How bout this: all peoples are going to Heaven. Well, not ALL peoples. I’d probably blow the proverbial fuse if I saw Hitler there or the guy who built half my cupboards for that matter. Still, all people could go to Heaven. I believe that Hindus, Moslems, Christians, Buddhists and Americans will bounce each other up there and say: “buh a-a! You here?” Even the Atheists will be there. No. Not to receive the lightening bolt of Zeus, but to BE… THERE. ("Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7)

Why do I say that? What makes us common?
This: - in every group/faith/community are a people…within a people who want to know God. They search; they yearn; they rebel but they return to this wanting of Who God Is/If God Is. I think the Father of all would honor that.

Wait. Wait. Let’s back that up some. Atheists?
Indulge my presumption but I believe that atheists could be the lost disciples and no.. not of Judas either. It hits me this morning that if all peoples/faiths/peoples of faith were classified with the Lord Jesus’ disciples, atheists would be Thomas. Strong. Good people (though Christ himself said there is no one good except God - Luke 18:19) And like good, strong Thomas, they will not rest, will not be swayed by everyone’s words. no! they need to put their fingers in His wounds and see His scars (John 20:25-28). Hard facts doth not a bad person make (still, blessed is he who have not seen yet believe – John 20:29). I once wrote to someone: “Atheism may be the purest form of religious truth. For the Atheist is not convinced of fandangled mysteries and esoteric truths; fly by night inventions and romantic ideals. he is all about attaining the truth. the true truth. this is the man who would quicker meet God.” But…I digress. Knowing God! Right.

When I was little it always amazed me (amused me) that whenever someone ‘knew’ someone in the Bible… they got pregnant. Usually. “Adam knew his wife” well duh! He should know her I mean

Oh! That’s what it means. Knowing meant an intimate connection. Discovering someone in a way that was not… ordinary [iChuckle].

That’s why I said all peoples could go to Heaven. Because it is illogical of me to think that God only interacts with one type of people/faith.

And now for the daily contradiction – I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus [the] Christ who said “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” but somehow I suspect the natives in Oh-Si-Oh-Ho who have not been told this news would be sentenced to dance the Coco with he-who-will-not-be-named [voldermolt?]

“Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” John 4:23

These are not people who just go to church every Sunday. These are not people who just pray five times a day, but people who WANT to know God/If He exists. That intimate connection with him transcends any… one…faith.
Sadly the average theist tends to think “mine is the only group who knows God”.

I describe this KNOWING as:
A peace that passes understanding
A warmth that wraps like a lover
A feeling that stays closer than a brother.

That is Knowing God. And once you know God, you know LOVE. I wish theists would Know God. I wish I knew God too.


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