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B is for Screwing with Homos

This is me. It's 4:30 pm and I'm standing in the bank when suddenly [and without warning] my mind starts pondering biology. and i realised... my goodness, strictly from a biological standpoint, homosexuals are royally screwed!

consider: according to biology [and the British natural history documentary i saw forever ago] a woman looks for a male who appears to be sensitive and caring and sturdy most of the month. this says to her basically, that should she get pregnant, this male would provide for her offspring.

however, according to biology [and the British natural history documentary i saw forever ago] THAT SAME WOMAN will look for/be attracted to a big strong mandingo because he [biologically] appears to be healthy for breeding offspring at the time of her ovulating... ting.

so to recap. Nice sensitive men are providers and security. Mandingo is for healthy breeding partners.
with me so far? good.

so you're a homosexual male. perhaps a little effeminate too. your reward for being attracted to an "ACTUAL" XY  is this: BIOLOGY is setting you up to find a man and prep you for reproduction. for... nothing your gay ass is IN FACT the butt of nature's joke. a woman who i suspect looks like Kim Cattrall. cocktail et al.

My mind goes to strange places... ... ... but you already knew that.


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