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B is for Judgment Day

I remember an incident that happened when I was young...younger! Some preacher dude stood up and said that Christ was returning to Earth over that weekend. Now me being young and somewhat vile I got scared some. I remember sitting in church that Sunday, looking through the blocks to see if I saw the sky peeling apart. Not that that would matter because let’s face it… WHEN [not if] Christ DOES show up, the whole world will get more than a hint. Still… there I was… peeping through blocks.

Now I’m 29. I still believe that Jesus Christ will save us. He’s my Superman believe it or not [outside of.. Superman] but what really gets my goat is how people are still trying to force something to happen that isn’t meant to happen just yet.

And yes, I’m talking to you May 22nd people. You self.
Every time I think today’s the day I can defend Theism or… something…. Some thing like this happens. You know what I know? I know that in the same Bible they claim to be reading from three things are noticed
1. The Return of the Christ will be likened to a thief in the night – you don’t know the hour of the calling [to quote an old church song, “it may be morn, it may be night or noon, I know He’s coming soon.”]

2. There are signs leading up to the event. All this crap going on right now [war, rumors of war, increased pain and malevolence, the flagrant disregard for human life, love or even a Divine connection] are considered “birth pangs” – the beginning OF the end, not the end yet – you don’t know the hour

3. “No one knows about the day nor the hour, not even the angels in Heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father…” Matthew 24: 36 
The Father of all things knows when to send HIS SON back to this planet.

“So if anyone tells you, ‘There he is out in the desert’ do not go out; or ‘He is in the inner rooms’ do not believe it. for as lightening that comes from the east is visible in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:30

I admit, the ambiguity over dates has caused people, maybe generations over, to say “well He’s not coming back” but for the love of all that is pure must we attempt [I say attempt but really eh…] to push God to do stuff? Hey, I’ve tried – doesn’t really work. God will do what He wants to do.

I believe the one thing people must remember is to live ones life in accordance with what The Christ was talking about. The man came here as Light and wants us all to live AS LIGHT with each other. Accept that. Accept Him.

But I refuse – you hear me – REFUSE to buy into this worldwide logic of May 22nd
And what happens come May 23rd? Once again, people will look at Theism as a). unbridled fantasy driven by those who either want to use scare tactic on us all or b). are too “delusional” to see “the truth”.

There I said it. I… Tracy J Hutchings, a Theist, a Believer in the ACTUAL RETURN of Christ want you to live peaceably with all men and in righteousness because that is what the Christ would want. Not panic. But that’s just me.

And oh, Obama is not the Anti-Christ… just saying.


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