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B is for First To Die [Section 3]


The history of food has been a long, tumultuous one, wrought with great trial and some error. After all, how do you fill the need when food is finite but humanity is not? After the Rationing of 1947, the governments of the world decided that the only way forward, was back. And so attention was given to ancient farming methods first presented to the world by the MESOS then groomed by the Incas & Mayas. And for a time, the Earth’s produce input increased which caused many local economies to flourish. Nations that benefited from wheat, corn, potatoes, greens and sugar cane excelled and smaller islands began to be major players on the world stage. But the Earth (soil) started to give way under the pressure of constant farming and irrigation.

Enter Professor Abel Kiev, who suggested a radical theory based on old Jewish & Biblical customs: Till the land for six years and let it rest in the seventh. This allowed the land to… reboot if you will. This idea was improved upon by the Scientific Conservation of Food Federation who also suggested Transplanting.

Transplanting allowed food to be grown in one territory or state while another state dealt with the changing climate. It went something like this: Trinidad was known for its sugar cane but during its rain cycle (season), many of the crop died in flood waters, so to avoid that, trade with Cuba and Indonesia allowed for the successful transplanting of Cane during the rainy cycle while Trinidad grew their potatoes or in the case of the US – strawberries – when their harsh winters settled in.

By the turn of the new decade, both Transplanting and Rest were no longer viable options because of two important reasons:
1.   Climate change – shifting weather patterns made one territory as unpredictable as the other. And
2.    Crime – Hoarders and Pirates have been known to sabotage trade routes with disturbing efficiency

Then there is the problem of meat. Transplanting produce was a calculated risk considering its benefits but what about animals who can only thrive in certain climates or fish in certain shores? For some groups, Mother Nature was sending a message, “be a vegetarian!”. But for the more rationale (gluttonous?) among us (including several high profile fast food chains), there needed to be a more viable solution to carve up this meat problem. One school of thought was to inject our Infinitas (plague) into animals. This spurned a ten year debate. On the one hand, by synthesizing and injecting the bacterium Infinitas, a sure supply of milk and eggs (for example) would be had. However if humanity was anything to go by, one could expect the quality to diminish after a few hundred years unless pumped with drugs. Then there’s the moral issue. Given that Infinitas causes cells and tissues to regenerate, would it be alright to say, chop a cow’s leg off or siphon a  batch of chicken wings just for our benefit.  Can we really be that… inhumane?

Then came actual synthetic food. But then everything tasted like chicken.

Finally, on November 16th, 2010 the world was given a suitable alternative. Deux… the most successful upgrade to Dolly, the cloned sheep. With Deux’s arrival came renewed hope and bad slogans including the jingle, “clone a sheep, clone a cow. Clone the world. Hey! look at us now!” for every real sheep, there were 5 cloned. For every potato shoot, 3 cloned ones.  It was the compromise that fed us.
- Uno Adam. Seeker, Searcher, Vegetarian.


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