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B is for Don't Panic

*Read this piece in church a few Sundays back. The irony of it was not lost to me, the Monday morning after. Be Blessed.

The Lord is my Shepherd
I'm done panicking!
His eyes are bigger than mine and his plot points are tighter.
Empire after Empire avail themselves to nothing.
The same struggle that was, is, and soon will be
Shifting sands bring no comfort and the gravel makes open mouths hoarse.
Therefore I shall not panic!
Though perception says differently
And reality looks like THIS is the end....
I will not accelerate the inevitable.
My chest.... will remain stable.

This isn't Apathy
Or a Que Sera Sera mentality 
It's just the knowledge that today is where I'm supposed to be.

And I will train for the future
And be mindful of the present
But I'm not omniscient.
And if the Alpha isn't troubled by Omega
Then why should I bother?
Do I know better, than he who saw the last day 
From the first....
The best from the worst....

Times have changed and yet remain.
But I shall not panic!
God, fundamentally is still the same.

September 15th, 2013
Tracy j Hutchings


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