Do people still hold hands?
Does anyone even crave to be touched
any more?
To casually brush up on fingers
Like the wind herself wanted yours
and theirs to meet
To find some excuse to touch
In a way that doesn't find you paying
a fine for the things that we do in the bedroom...
Or on carnival day.
Do people still hold hands?
Hands clasped tightly in prayer to a
god reflected in each other's eyes.
Pray to me, he says
Pray to me, she says
Pray that fingers ache when eight hour
shifts separate us.
Pray that they never find a keyboard
Enough? ... Enough.
The whispers of a dreamer is all that
A pen twirling between fingers that should be twirling strands...
Twirling hands.
Twirling. Wondering. Pondering if... if...
If maybe somewhere, in this age of
independents, people even bother to hold hands.
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