(c tracy write . .. c tracy write more ) salt stains the sea with white and this face with lines. a trail that leads from broken hearts straight up throats and then -because they are stifled by lips - travels further up and sits on the edge of The Window waiting to commit suicide... jumping off the ledge and unto the face. it leaves only salt behind. evidence of endless questioning. evidence of a sharp tongue, a doubled edge hand or worse, a double minded mind, conscious only when conscience is appeased. but look! over there! do you see? another one... falling to its death as it crushes its body on a cheek bone. only the salt remains. like the sea. permanently stained. - 02:02:09 © tjh songs, words, phrases rush through my mind. are there truth to them? is there truth in them? words, songs, phrases rush through my mind. are there truth to them? is there truth in them? or are they illusions? vain musings of a child who wouldn't take "no" for an answer yet couldn't ...